Although our Society’s yearly performance of Handel’s Messiah is free to the public, it actually costs the Society more than $50,000 each year to present a single concert of this glorious masterwork. Our dedication to providing our local community with the most extraordinary musical experience mandates we utilize paid professional soloists and orchestra members. We also incur expenses for usage of the Bob Carr Theater, program production, and many other requirements for producing the highest quality performance.
The Messiah Choral Society is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.
If you are unable to become a Full (singing) Member of our Society, there are many other ways you can assist us in continuing to give the gift of Handel’s Messiah to Orlando music enthusiasts year after year.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Messiah Choral Society whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
How does the Messiah Choral Society endowment work? It starts with you and uses your gift to ensure that the annual gift of Handel’s Messiah will continue for years to come. We partnered with the Central Florida Foundation to host our endowment. Your gift is invested and Messiah Choral Society receives income annually to support our annual performance of Messiah. The foundation’s administrative expertise, planned giving knowledge, and understanding of the Central Florida community provide you with the confidence that your gift will be managed wisely. For more information on our endowment and how you can become a cornerstone contributor, please visit our our local profile and pledge to our endowment here.
United Arts of Central Florida
If you are making your donation through the United Arts of Central Florida, you can designate all or part of your donation to the Messiah Choral Society. Just note on your donation form that you wish to designate your donation to the Messiah Choral Society.
Winter Park FL United States 32790
(321) 285-6382